What 3D Printing has to do in Car Productions?

Picture Credit .3ders.org
Picture Credit .3ders.org

It is impossible to imagine an automobile industry without the robots and machines doing all the work to make vehicles. But it is no wonder that polymer spraying printers are now fast replacing the old fashioned automobile industry. These printers create such mobiles as are cheap and efficient besides being light.

The Urbee should be taken for an example of such kind of vehicle that has been built by the method of 3D printing. Urbee is a light weight vehicle. In the more traditional automobile industries, the parts and scetions of vehicles were required to be carried across seas and the manufacturers, likewise, waited for the assembling work to be done before the vehicles were ready. The age of 3D printing has abandoned the necessity of shipping of all produced parts as the vehicle can be constructed entirely with the method of 3D printing.

These vehicles made by 3D printing process are lighter than other vehicles whereas their efficiency is higher. They are also made thicker at parts for making them more efficient, just like the other standard vehicles. This revolutionary idea would surely bring good change in the making process of vehicles while also seeking to make them lighter and more efficient.

The car takes only 2500 hours before it is ready. So, the making process is relatively smaller. Urbee is made in one piece and the absence of connections as well as joints makes it stronger than the other vehicles that have joints as well as connections.


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